Dublin says hello, STAR
Dublin Says Hello on 16th of August / STAR Translation logo

Dublin Says Hello, STAR!

To celebrate Dublin Says Hello, we’ve joined in to say hello as well. For today, we’ve changed our company logo to add a friendly hello to show our contribution.

The idea is great and amazingly simple. All you have to do is simply say hello to a stranger when you pass them today. It’s a simple idea, but a great way cheer up people. The idea is to spread a positive feeling amongst people.

To help you on your way, here are a few hellos for you in different languages.

  • Ciao = Italian
  • Dia dhuit = Irish
  • Hallo = German
  • Olá = Portuguese
  • Hola = Spanish
  • здравствуйте = Russian
  • Dzień dobry = Polish
  • Dobrý den = Slovak
  • Bonjour = French

Watch our video on how to say hello in Irish
