What is a googol?
Robot Teachers, Language Tutors

New robot teachers help immigrant children learn new languages. Lead by teams of roboticists and linguists, to study how children learn with robots.

Search Engine Optimization, keyword translation

Keyword translation including ad headlines and descriptions, will maximize your conversion rate by reaching potential new customers in new target countries.

Is bland marketing losing you sales?
The Origins of POSH
Draw My Life STAR Translation

How many words for snow do you know? The Scots’ have nearly 400!. Here’s the background and few to get you started!. How do you say ‘Snow’ in your language?

Animal names into different languages

The most recognizable animal names in different languages: Irish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish. How many do you know?

The Magic E

Learn how to improve your English spelling with this simple rule: the Magic E. It’s that silent E at the end of a word that changes the sound or meaning.

Letter Q in spelling