We were Social Media Awards 2012 nominated for Online PR Campaign; Video Campaign and Best Business Twitter account. Thanks for your votes!

Bill Payne and Damian Scattergood

We meet Bill Payne, America’s 2009 Angel Investor of the year. Bill talked about funding start-ups having invested in 50+ companies.

We were nominated under Best Online PR Campaign for the Social Media Awards 2012. View our Irish language playlist on our YouTube channel.

World Map

BRIC is an acronym for the emerging countries Brazil, Russia, India and China. Most located on the east side of our ageing European continent those countries now represent a lot of growth opportunities for the global economy.

SEO Services

Google Warns SEO Experts

In Matt Cutts’s latest video on Google Search Engine Optimization, he warns Google will penalize sites for over-optimization

What is the correct abbreviation for Doctor? Get the answer to this question and understand why.