We are a member of STAR GROUP, one of the world's leading translation companies.
+353 1 836 5614
Docklands Innovation Park, 128-130 East Wall Road, Dublin 3, D03 RD34, Ireland
Guildford, Surrey
United Kingdom
Cleveland, Ohio
Ramsen, Switzerland
Word Riddle : What looks the same upside down and backwards?
TranslationA word riddle for you… What word looks the same upside down and backwards?
What do the following words have in common: Racecar, Civic, Eye, Level?
Better EnglishWorld Author’s Day | What we’re reading today…
TranslationCorporate Machine Translation – STAR MT
Localization, TranslationSTAR’s latest MT Engine helps you deliver more content faster, economically and with higher quality than standard machine translation.
Can you work this out?
Better EnglishTranslation Memory System Introduction
Localization, Transit, TranslationTransit NXT is STAR’s translation memory system for professional translators. Crammed with features and benefits for you – it can make you more productive and profitable with its state of the art translation editor and tools. This video shows how Transit can help you create a project, built and use dictionaries and check your translation quality.
How many websites are there in the world?
TranslationBest Translation Services Award by EuropeanCEO
BusinessSTAR Group awarded Best Company in the Translation & Localization Services Industry by EuropeanCEO. A global provider of language services.
Brexit: Export implications and sales ideas
Business, TranslationJust how will brexit impact your business?
The immediate impact for companies operating in the Eurozone is one of the currency exchange rates change. If you’re outside the UK today you’re more expensive than yesterday so will you lose business?
At STAR Translation, we’ve already seen customer buying patterns change both negatively and positively. However, the exchange rate impact is only one of many possible impacts to your business.
Upgrading to Windows 10 and Transit NXT