Product Manager Localization Training 101

In this training program we cover the key tasks for product localization and translation. You’ll learn how to develop a product that is translatable from day one. Product Manager Localization Training 101 covers many areas to watch for common translation mistakes.

  • Localization Design
  • Brand Protection
  • Term Management
  • Context
  • Customer Language
  • Multimedia Planning
  • Review and Feedback.


The video discusses best practices for product localization, translation, and internationalization.

  • Accurate translation is crucial for business success as poor translation can impact sales, customer support, and overall user experience.
  • The localization process should start with product design, considering factors such as text expansion in different languages.
  • Planning for efficient text extraction, translation, and integration is essential to avoid complications and costly image recreation.
  • Product managers should streamline design assets to facilitate future updates.
  • Preparing for localization before translation can save time and resources.
  • Considerations for date formats, currency, numbers, list separators, and other cultural differences should be made for successful localization.
  • Using clear and concise language in manuals and multimedia content can facilitate translation and ensure accuracy.
  • The importance of feedback and continuous improvement in the translation process is emphasized.
  • Viewers are invited to explore their resources on translation best practices and leverage their expertise in translating over 200 languages with a global presence.

Section 1:

Today’s video discusses best practices for product localization, translation, and internationalization. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accurate translation for business success, as poor translation can impact sales, customer support, and overall user experience.

The localization process should start with product design, considering factors such as text expansion in different languages.

It’s crucial to plan how text will be extracted, translated, and integrated back efficiently. Avoid placing text directly on images as it can complicate translation and lead to costly image recreation. Product managers should own their design assets to facilitate future updates. Preparing for localization before translation can save time and resources.

An example is given showing how text length differences in languages can affect design elements like button sizes. Planning for text expansion in advance can prevent layout issues post-translation.

Presenter Bio:

Training video from industry veteran Damian Scattergood STAR Dublin Managing Director.

Damian has over 40 years of translation and localization experience. He has worked in cyber security, software development, translation, localization and multimedia content development.


You’ll learn how to create products that can easily be translated and localized. This video teaches many of the common pitfalls for localization and tips on how to avoid them.
