Number one language spoken in USA: Spanish

A new Census Bureau Interactive Map shows Spanish as the number one language spoken in USA with Chinese being the second most-spoken one; most of the population is proficient in English, however.
The U.S. Census Bureau released an interactive online map pinpointing the wide array of languages spoken in homes across the nation, along with a detailed report on rates of English proficiency, and the growing number of speakers of other languages.
The 2011 Language Mapper shows where people speaking specific languages (other than English) live, with dots representing how many people speak each of the 15 different languages recorded in the States.
For each language, the mapper shows the concentration of those who report that they speak English less than ‘very well’ — a measure of English proficiency. The tool uses data collected through the American Community Survey from 2007 to 2011.
STAR provides translation services in Spanish and Chinese to help customers communicate more effectively in the United States of America.
Source: US Census Language Mapper Tool