European Football Phrases

Learn common football phrases in 14 different languages.

Multilingual Football Phrases

Learn popular football phrases used by the professionals and fan alike. These free multilingual football phrases may encourage you to take up a new language. As a provider of translation services, we help our customers create, check, translate, and publish their documents into more than 70 languages.

Download the Free Multilingual Football Phrasebook.

Free multilingual football phrases

European Football Phrases

Below you will find free multilingual football phrases in 14 major European languages. Show support for your favourite team with these phrases for World Cup 2018.

European Football Phrases
English to Croatian English to Italian
English to Czech English to Polish
English to Danish English to Portuguese
English to Dutch English to Russian
English to French English to Spanish
English to German English to Swedish
English to Greek English to Ukrainian

Need more?

Visit the official UEFA website for up to the minute information.