
The Irish tag features posts related to the Irish language, history, the Irish people and Irish translation news and services. Irish is spoken by approximately 140,000 native speakers (2012).

Tag Archive for: Irish

Irish: We were interviewed by TG4, Ireland’s Irish language TV station, about new update to the official Irish grammar standard, An gCaighdeán Oifigiúil.


Say Hello in a different languages. Hello Dublin day celebrated saying hello to different nationalities.

Veni, vidi, vici was coined by Julius Caesar in 47 BC. It literally means ‘I came; I saw; I conquered’. We also noticed it on a runner’s t-shirt, in Irish!

How to say can I have a pint of beer please, in Irish? Pionta beoir, le do thoil? Listen to the video to learn how to pronounce it.

The Irish word for computer is ríomhaire. We asked similar questions to the public for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2012, and we got some surprising answers.

Irish Word of the Day Series

How to say “Thank You” in Irish

As part of our Irish Word of the Day Series, learn how to say thank you in Irish.