
Transit NXT

To translate a document using Transit, you must first create a project. A wizard helps you to do this by guiding you step-by-step through the functions so you cannot forget any settings.

Transit NXT

If the language pair is open, the text appears in the editor window in two panes – green for the source language and red for the target language.

Transit NXT

For particular file types, Transit offers static or dynamic viewers. Those viewers can display the document text you are translating in the Transit editor in the original layout.

Cute Robot

A key component of Transit is the TermStar NXT terminology management system. In TermStar NXT, you can create dictionaries and save general or project-specific terminology to them.

Cute Robot

Dynamic Linking works like a multilingual concordance search. It displays all the segments which contain particular pairs of terms.

Document Writing

How to write or translation and improve your documentation. German typically is 30-50% longer than English. When designing a brochure be aware that text will get much longer after translation.

SEO Services

Google Warns SEO Experts

In Matt Cutts’s latest video on Google Search Engine Optimization, he warns Google will penalize sites for over-optimization