Category: Translation

The translation category features all blog posts related to the world of translation. Read posts on multilingual translation and translation services. Subscribe to us.

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London City

Just how will brexit impact your business?

The immediate impact for companies operating in the Eurozone is one of the currency exchange rates change. If you’re outside the UK today you’re more expensive than yesterday so will you lose business?

At STAR Translation, we’ve already seen customer buying patterns change both negatively and positively. However, the exchange rate impact is only one of many possible impacts to your business.

Gold trophy

STAR awarded highest supplier classification status by John Deere, an industry-leading provider of agricultural and construction equipment.

1916 Remembrance Wall unveils misspelling in Irish

Commemoration ceremony in Glasnevin Cemetery of the 1916 Easter Rising Remembrance Wall unveils misspelling in Irish: Eírí amach na Cásca.

Four Courts, Dublin

The State’s failure to translate legislation into Irish could see cases dismissed. There is a constitutional right to have your case defended in Irish.

Search Engine Optimization, keyword translation

Keyword translation including ad headlines and descriptions, will maximize your conversion rate by reaching potential new customers in new target countries.

Is bland marketing losing you sales?

How many words for snow do you know? The Scots’ have nearly 400!. Here’s the background and few to get you started!. How do you say ‘Snow’ in your language?