Category: Translation

The translation category features all blog posts related to the world of translation. Read posts on multilingual translation and translation services. Subscribe to us.

Four Courts, Dublin

The State’s failure to translate legislation into Irish could see cases dismissed. There is a constitutional right to have your case defended in Irish.

Search Engine Optimization, keyword translation

Keyword translation including ad headlines and descriptions, will maximize your conversion rate by reaching potential new customers in new target countries.

How many words for snow do you know? The Scots’ have nearly 400!. Here’s the background and few to get you started!. How do you say ‘Snow’ in your language?

The most recognizable animal names in different languages: Irish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish. How many do you know?

Last week we supported the National Export Campaign by taking part in the SMART Business Show in the RDS — take a look at our day at the event.

Swedish designers were given the task of creating a national font and they called it Sweden Sans. Swedish government is to use it throughout their media.

Mario became Wario. Game players around the world love Mario and his antagonist, Wario. Although Wario isn’t a bad guy; he’s just a baddish.

Discover the hidden meanings in STAR Translation logo. STAR is an acronym and the delta symbol for the A means more that you might think.