Static and dynamic viewers
For particular file types, Transit offers static or dynamic viewers. Those viewers can display the document text you are translating in the Transit editor in the original layout.
- In a static viewer the source-language document text is displayed in the original layout.
- In a dynamic viewer the current status of the translation into the target language is displayed as a preview in the original layout.
In Transit, these viewers are conceived as ‘floating windows’ which can be called up via the context menu of the Transit toolbar (see the instructions under “How do I select a viewer?”).
Transit offers viewers which provide a synchronised view of files with the following file types:
- PDF viewer for the ‘static’ display of PDF files (created from the original files from FrameMaker, InDesign, QuarkXPress, Word, PowerPoint, and RTF) and the dynamic preview of MS Word files
- HTML viewer for the ‘dynamic’ display of HTML files and user-defined, custom XML files
- Multimedia viewer for displaying a variety of graphics formats contained in Word files
Another preview option offered by Transit is:
- Dynamic preview of MS Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) in the respective MS Office program
How do I select a viewer?
1 Move the mouse pointer to the area to the right of the resource bar and right-click to open the context menu of the Transit toolbar.
Transit displays the context menu of the Transit toolbar. The bottom section of this menu displays a list of the available viewers.
2 Select a viewer by left-clicking on the corresponding icon.
Transit opens the window for the viewer selected. The viewers take the form of floating windows. You can also change the display mode of the viewers from ‘floating’ to ‘permanent’, alter their size and position as desired or dock them with the user interface.
1.PDF viewer/Word preview
In the PDF viewer/Word preview a static viewer can be combined with a dynamic preview:
- Source language:
If a PDF file of the original document is available, it can be displayed in the PDF viewer.
The view of the source document in the PDF viewer is synchronised with the view of the language pair in the Transit editor. This means, during translation, you can see in the PDF viewer where you are in the document at any given moment by means of a red arrow.
This allows you to quickly determine, for example, whether the text to be translated next is a heading or an index entry, and to translate the text appropriately.
- Target language:
You can display a preview of the text in its the original layout, showing the latest status of your translation into the target language.
This preview option is currently available only for Word files.
To generate a preview proceed as follows:
– Open the context menu of the target-language section of the Transit editor.
– Select the Display preview in Transit option.
Transit editor and PDF viewer/Word preview floating window
The toolbar of the PDF viewer/Word preview offers the following view options:
PDF viewer/Word preview – toolbar function
PDF viewer is only available for certain file types
The PDF viewer is only available for the following file types:
- FrameMaker
- InDesign
- QuarkXPress
- Word
- PowerPoint
If you are working with a different file type in your project and call up the PDF viewer, Transit displays the following message:
No PDF synchronisation available for the file type selected.
File for the PDF viewer must be located in the working folder
In order to use the PDF viewer in a translation project, the PDF file must be placed in the working folder which contains the associated language pair. It is also important that the PDF file have exactly the same name as the original file or the Transit language pair.
Language pair: ch_06_translation.deu/eng
PDF file: ch_06_translation.pdf
If the PDF viewer is opened and there are no PDF files in the working folder, or the name of the PDF file differs from the name of the language pair, Transit displays the following message:
No PDF file available.
Please make sure that the PDF file is located in the working folder.
2.HTML viewer
It is also possible to view the text synchronised in the editor and original format for projects involving HTML files or user-defined, custom XML files. In addition to the source-language, the HTML viewer can also preview the target-language version of the original file, thus providing a continually updated view of the latest status of the translation. This means that the target-language version is updated dynamically.
The red frame in the HTML viewer shows which part of the file is currently being edited in the Transit editor. As soon as you confirm the translation with ALT+INS, it appears in the target-language pane of the HTML viewer:
The Transit editor and the HTML viewer floating window
The toolbar of the HTML viewer offers the following navigation and view options:
HTML viewer – toolbar functions
For information on how to select and show the viewers, please refer to the instructions under “How do I select a viewer?”.
The HTML viewer is only for HTML files and custom XML files
The HTML viewer is only for use with projects containing HTML files and user-defined, custom XML files. The HTML viewer cannot be used for projects containing standard XML files or other file types. If you are working in your project with a file type other than those two mentioned above and call up the HTML viewer, Transit displays the following message:
The HTML viewer does not support the selected file type.
3.Multimedia viewer
In Transit, the Multimedia viewer gives you the option to display images contained in a Word file. The Multimedia viewer supports the following formats:
- Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
- Multipage Paintbrush (*.dcx)
- Drawing Interchange Format (*.dxf)
- Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps)
- Kodak FlashPix (*.fpx)
- IBM Linkway (*.fmf)
- Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
- GEM Paint (*.img)
- Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG (*.jpg)
- JPEG 2000 (*.jp2)
- Kodak Photo CD Format (*.pcd)
- Paintbrush (*.pcx)
- Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
- PDF Image Format (*.pdf)
- Targa Image File (*.tga)
- Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
- Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
- Word Perfect Graphics (*.wpg)
Instead of having to refer back to the original file or, for example, to a PDF version of the document, thanks to the Multimedia viewer, you can easily establish the contextual relationship between the text and the image information without leaving the Transit working environment. The Multimedia viewer displays the image which belongs to the respective text segment:
The Transit editor and the Multimedia viewer floating window
Please note that when packing or forwarding Transit projects containing image information for the Multimedia viewer, the cod file must also be packed. The cod file contains the image information and must therefore be included in the project file. Only then will the recipient of such a project be able to display the images in the Multimedia viewer (information on packing and forwarding project files can be found in section 4.3 “Packing a project” and 4.7 “Forwarding a project”).
The toolbar of the Multimedia viewer offers the following navigation and view options:
Multimedia viewer – toolbar functions
4. Dynamic preview of MS Office files
When translating MS Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), you have the option to open a preview of the file from the Transit editor in the respective MS Office program, showing the latest status of your translation. When doing so, the respective MS Office program is opened in the foreground.
How do I open a preview of an MS Office file in the respective MS Office program?
1 Right-click on a segment in the target-language pane of the Transit editor.
2 From the context menu which is then displayed, select the option Display preview in Office application.
Transit opens the respective MS Office program and displays a preview of the file, showing the latest status of your translation.
The segment on which you right-clicked to open the preview, is highlighted. If this belongs to a paragraph, the entire paragraph is highlighted. This enables you to see at a glance where you are in the file.
Alternatively, for MS Word files, you may open the preview in the Transit window PDF viewer/Word preview (see section 5.9.1 “PDF viewer/Word preview”).
5.Synchronised View – User preferences
If Synchronised View is activated for the source and/or target language, then this runs in the background, even if the viewer in question is not currently being used in a project. This can, in turn, have a major effect on the performance of the application. It is therefore possible in the user preferences to define, in each individual case, on which viewers Synchronised View should be active:
How do I define the user preferences for Synchronised View?
1 Select Transit button | User preferences.
Transit displays the User preferences window.
2 Select the Synchronised View option.
Transit displays the Synchronised View screen of the User preferences window.
3 Specify the desired settings, e. g.:
Automatically synchronise multimedia viewer option in the Subtitling section
When translating the subtitling of a movie, Transit can automatically synchronise the playback of the movie in the Multimedia viewer.
Use this option to specify whether a segment should be played back automatically in the in the Multimedia viewer as soon as you place the cursor in it.