Will speed impact quality?
It can. There are a variety of ways to achieve volume translation quickly:
- Multiple translators:
The fastest method where technical accuracy is important but overall quality isn’t, is to use multiple translators. Simply divide the volume of work you require by 1,500 words and apply that many translators. We have worked on projects where we had 10 technical translators working on the same document to deliver on really urgent projects for our clients - Strong team of translators with chief translator:
If the document needs both technical accuracy and quality then you must just a fixed team for volume and have a single chief translator responsible for the overall quality and structure of the document. This is how STAR delivers industrial strength volume to its major clients. Does it cost more? This really depends on the project and the workload involved in translating and managing the details and quality. Call us to discuss your specific needs. STAR has a specific rush process for this type of translation